Tuesday 31 March 2015

Tuesday 22 May 2012

Assalamualaikum n good day to readers of my blog (if available though) :p.. Hehe..It's been a while i didn't have the chance to update my blog..Sibuk sangat dgn kehidupan normal.. Is it? Ahahaha.. Banyak gambar-gambar terbaru ciptaan cupcake dah di buat, nak tengok? Sure..

Nampak okay kan.. Dah rasa baru tau.. Susah sikit nak update blog sekarang bila dah sibuk dgn tempahan & aktiviti di rumah.. InsyaAllah nanti akan ada gambar2 terbaru.. Kita tunggu dan lihat.. :D

Tuesday 14 February 2012

Introduction~ :p

Salam..Aloha..Haha..Guess what? This is my 1st time of blogging..Wew..X pernah terlintas pun d fikiran nak berblog but anyhow, its a good start..Who says blogging is not that good..Well, everything ada pro n cons kan kan kan..Sorry ye sbb mix up bahasa melayu n english..X salah kan kan kan.. :)

Starting small sometimes leads to something bigger.. NOT in a bad way oke, never act or think like that.. As what my friend used to say, "Anang bekenyak like that".. A mix up of iban n english..Haha..Pelbagai kaum, budaya, dialects, n most importantly FOOD.. I just love FOOD..Nice fragrance, taste, texture..Argghhhh..Sampai esok pun x habis.. 

For me, i love baking..Wanna see some of it? I'll show it then..

Egg Tart

Red Velvet Cupcake With Cream Cheese Topping & Fondant Deco 
Chocolate Cupcake With Buttercream Topping & Sugar Deco

Well, that's what i'm good at..X la pandai sangat..There plenty more of picture if u wanna see it..

For my lil sister birthday

Chocolate Cheese Cake


Chocolate Cupcake for birthday

I just love deco's

Wanna know what I love the most, those cute little thingy..X tau kenapa but i love deco's..X pandai sangat la, still in the process of learning..Kalo nak kutuk pun, kutuk ler..Dr situ manatau dapat ilham n belajar sampai hampir 99% kesempurnaan d capai..Guess what..That's just me.. :)